
I feel guilty that I don’t always (ever?)have dinner waiting or the house spotless when my husband comes home from work. I remind myself that working from home does not truly grant me the assumed”free-time” that others believe that I have. In my work, I am firmly rooted to my home office desk for a […]

Who’s the (Cake) Boss?

I like to bake and decorate cakes. Which is rather unfortunate for two reasons: 1) I am a diabetic and 2) I’m not a good artist. So not only can I not eat my creations, but I’m not even sure you could classify them as “art”.  Edible Creations these are not. More like Inedible Avocations, […]

And To All A Good Night

We’re moving to our first home in a few days. And let me tell you what I’m MOST excited about. More than becoming first-time homeowners, way beyond being able to decorate and remodel as we see fit, even more so than having a place to call our own and make a stable home for our children […]

From “One Lovely Blog” to Another

The “One Lovely Blog” Award nominations are chosen by fellow bloggers for those newer or up-and-coming bloggers. The goal is to help give recognition and to also help the new blogger reach more viewers. It also recognizes blogs that are considered to be “lovely” by the fellow-blogger who chose them. This award acknowledges bloggers who share their […]

Why I’m Happy There Will (Maybe) Be a 3rd SATC Movie

So, word on E 73rd St is that there will be a third installment of the Sex and the City movie franchise after all. And I, for one, am really excited to hear this news and would pre-order my ticket right now if I could. The naysayers and critics of the show and the movies […]

A Preschool Crush

My 3-year-old flashes me a mega-watt smile every morning when I wake him up and he still squeals with delight every afternoon when I walk into his class at daycare to pick him. At night he cuddles with me in the recliner clutching his race car cup of milk.  I squeeze him tight and stroke his […]