Our First Night Apart

This pic of us tonight could possibly be the last of us breastfeeding. In just a few hours I will be boarding a plane and leaving you for the next few days. I should be asleep right now, but sleep won’t come. My nerves are bad and I am feeling extremely anxious. Not so much […]

On Loving and Loathing Breastfeeding

I can’t think of anything else in my life that has had the power to wield within myself such huge feelings of both failure and of greatness, vacillating multiple times between the two emotions all within the course of a single day.  I’ve never before at times been so over something, yet found myself breaking […]

Bringing Home Baby

In my last post, I wrote about deliveries not going as planned, only to turn around and have just such an experience ending in a cesarean section. I had imagined that during my last week of pregnancy I would be on cloud nine and super excited over my impending arrival. As it turned out, I spent […]

Pregnancy Progression

It’s been a tough two months. With my two previous gestations, I experienced varying levels of sciatic nerve pain and pelvic girdle pain. It wasn’t fun by any means but I got through it. This time around, it progressed into full-blown symphysis pubis dysfunction, something I’d never heard of until now and that I won’t […]

Mornings at the Crib

My 3 year old still sleeps in his crib. Don’t judge me. It’s mostly a matter of oversight.  Changing his bed just hasn’t ranked high on our priority list of “Fun Things to Do This Summer”. We moved Lila directly to a twin bed at 18 months because we had to. We needed the crib for […]