“It All Turned Out Fine”

You’ve been excited about Kindergarten since the day of your preschool graduation, asking only moments after the ceremony conclusion if it was time to drive to your new school. And you continued to ask repeatedly since then, every afternoon when I picked you up from summer camp, if this was your last day coming here. Finally […]

To My Baby Boy/Big Boy On His 5th Birthday

Dear Mattykinz, It seems ridiculous to think of it now but when I first learned you were going to be a boy, I was filled with worry and apprehension. I’m not really into cars, dirt, sports, bugs, or pretty much anything that is typically associated with raising a boy. And even though I know those […]

On Your First Day of Kindergarten…

It’s not as if I’m not used to you going off every day; you’ve been in daycare/preschool since you were just a few months old. You leave home for days at a time to stay with Grandma without a second look back. Clearly, there have been no separation anxiety or attachment issues going on here. But […]